Helping Internal Audit departments perform in the new remote business environment.


Audit in a Remote Environment


Remote training is the imperative.

The events that impacted the last three years have thrust change on every company. And with employees working remotely, every department needs to rethink and redesign how Internal Audit teams function moving forward. Every challenge presents opportunities. And it’s incumbent on IAD leaders to take the appropriate, intelligent steps to effect change.

Our organization has been focused on understanding the impact. Listening to the concerns of many departments, we are prepared to help facilitate and reinvent the training process and implementation.




PO Box 500, Furlong, PA 18925


dedicated to improving internal audit

Our organization does not introduce itself with solutions; we come with questions. Once we understand the objectives of a department, our mission is to identify and mitigate process risk. We provide counsel with precision, clarity and objectivity.


If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
— albert einstein


Quick question?

If you have any questions, please use this form. If you have a more detailed inquiry go to the CONTACT link All inquires are kept confidential.